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“Arctic, Antarctica, Deep sea and French Southern and Antarctic Lands”

On Wednesday, March 22, 2023, I drew “live” with two other artists: Emmanuel Lepage and Jacques Rohaut at the National Assembly, during the first session of the study group “Arctic, Antarctica, Deep sea and French Southern and Antarctic Lands”.
My thanks to Jimmy Pahun, MP for Morbihan, and Clémence Guetté, MP for Val de Marne, (co-presidents of the group) for their invitation.

I sincerely hope that this group succeeds in finding the means to protect these regions and their fauna and flora from human greed and catastrophic climate change.


© Anne Smith, dessin 2 à l'Assemblée nationale
© Anne Smith, dessin 3 à l'Assemblée nationale
© Anne Smith, dessin 4 à l'Assemblée nationale
© Anne Smith, dessin 5 à l'Assemblée nationale
Compte rendu du Groupe d'études Arctique, Antartique, Terres Australes et Antarticques Francaises et grands fonds océaniques
Copyright © Anne Smith 2022. Tous droits réservés.