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Anne Smith - Official Navy Painter

Anne Smith trained as a painter at Ravensbourne College of Art and Design in London before moving to France in 1988. She is one of the few women to be part of the prestigious corps of Official Navy Painters.

Photo Mélanie Denniel

My artworks

From paintings to sculptures, through other works such as illustrations, frescoes or photographs: (re)discover my artistic universes, going from the real (sea, marine, nature, portraits) to the imaginary!

Workshop - la Gacilly

Life in the workshop

What could be better than working with the window wide open?

When in spring the yellow daffodils, primroses and forsythias in the garden turn into sulphur bearers…

Let's meet !

Galerie du Chat Noir,
11 rue du Relais Postal,

The news

The group of artists Figuration Actuelle, at Comparaisons 2025 at the Grand Palais, Paris I am exhibiting with the sculptors’ group Figuration Actuelle at the Comparaisons exhibition, part of the Art Capital 2025 event at the Grand Palais. There are 18 of us, and each…
Paimpol – Galerie Emergence Location: 5 rue de la Vieille Poissonnerie, 22500 Paimpol Contact: Dates and Times:Saturday, 24th May from 14:30 Sunday, 25th May, 10:00-12:00 & 15:00-17:30 Details: Come and meet me and Jean Lemonnier, discover our work, have a book signed by…

My passions

Marine paint




Copyright © Anne Smith 2022. Tous droits réservés.